Cara Membuat Project Baru pada Revit dan MagiCAD Dataset

1.     You can use your own Revit template (*.rte) to create a new Revit project file (*.rvt); if you do not have that kind of in house Revit template, then please use template file which MagiCAD provided.

2.     No matter which Revit template is used, it should include necessary default settings for MEP disciplines, such as duct / pipe / cable tray series.

3.     Make sure creating Revit project file (*.rvt) based on Revit project template (*.rte), please Do Not open Revit project template file directly.

4.     When you create a new MagiCAD Dataset file, there are two paths, first one is the new one which you will create, second one is the template of Dataset. So please Do Not mix them up with each other.

5.     The new MagiCAD Dataset file which you created, we usually save it in the same path as Revit project model (*.rvt).

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