Course Instructions (Important)

Welcome to MagiCAD training!

Read this entirely before proceeding to a training course.

Overview of training course

  • In this course, you will learn the introduction and basic operation of MagiCAD.
  • Course completion time ranges from 1-2 days depending on user's availability and learning pace.
  • There are 12 tutorial videos to watch in this course. All videos available are based on watch-on-demand concept, which gives flexibility to watch the videos at user's preferred time.

Flow of training course

  • The course will begin with an overview of MagiCAD course introduction.
  • Users must progress through lectures in sequence in order to understand the full flow of the training. Click "Complete & Continue" to unlock the next video
  • If you have any questions regarding the software operations, or you need further assistance from our service consultant, kindly email to [email protected].

Complete and Continue