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Pelatihan Basic MagiCAD (Old)
Petunjuk Pelatihan
Sekilas Tentang Pelatihan
Alur Pelatihan
Pengenalan Software MagiCAD
Persyaratan Pelatihan
Before Using MagiCAD
MagiCAD Support Folder and Important Comments (6:07)
Create a New Project with MagiCAD Template & Brief Introduction of MagiCAD Modules (4:12)
MagiCAD Dataset
Create MagiCAD Dataset and Brief Introduction of Dataset (13:22)
MagiCAD Drawing
MagiCAD Terminal Devices Installation and Benefits of MagiCAD Dataset (9:40)
MagiCAD Components Installation (3:25)
Add Products into MagiCAD Dataset (17:29)
MagiCAD Angle to Horizontal and Copy Branch (6:56)
MagiCAD Collaboration
MagiCAD Clash Checking and Vertical Crossing (13:14)
MagiCAD Provision for Builderswork (11:20)
MagiCAD Professionality
Support and Hanger Installation and Array (6:27)
Seismic Bracing Hanger (1:06)
Brief Introduction of MagiCAD Balancing and Bill of Material (4:57)
Support and Hanger Installation and Array
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